Soilless cultivation of vegetables, cow dung, bacterial rods as the substrate, low cost, to ferment before use for gardening
There are more and more people who have returned to their hometown to start a business, and the planting of greenhouse vegetables is always one of the hottest choices. Some friends said: "I want to try to cultivate vegetables without soil, but I am worried that the cost of infrastructure is too high. I can't afford it. I know that earthworm dung can be planted directly as organic matrix and can directly plant vegetables. Seeing many local cow dung. Lost, I don’t know if these can be made into a cultivation substrate? "
The basic investment of soil -free cultivation vegetables is a problem for many farmers' concerns. If the substrate does not need to be purchased at a high price, the cost of the entire soil -free cultivation will also be reduced. The role of cultivation matrix is ??to keep water, keep fertilizer, and fix the root system. If you want to plant low cost, cow dung and fungus sticks can also be used as the cultivation matrix. For example, there are a lot of fungus sticks in some places. It can be used to save money and solve the problem of poor waste.
When the cow dung or bacteria rod is used as the cultivation matrix, the planting cost is reduced, but two problems should be paid attention to. First, it needs to be fermented, and then use it after treatment. The effect is better. When the cow dung and bacteria rods are treated, they use EM bacteria for high temperature fermentation. The temperature increases fast and can be fully rotted. It can kill the diseased insects and grass seeds in the raw materials. Essence
During the rotten process, farmers need to be stirred twice, which is conducive to a lot of contact with the air, but this operation is more laborious. At the same time, when the cow dung or bacteria rod is fermented, microorganisms consume a lot of nitrogen elements. Therefore, when fermentation, add urea to change the carbon nitrogen ratio to prevent the growth of the plant from being affected.
Second, the fermented cow dung or bacteria stick can be installed in the planting tank or planting bag. It can be used as the cultivation substrate. Tomatoes, strawberries, melon, watermelon, have good output and quality. The matrix can also be wet with water before packing, and then loaded into the planting slot. This tip can prevent water from watering after planting seedlings.
The use of organic cultivation matrix can be reused in the next stubble. For example, after the tomato is planted, the next crop is planted. After the tomato is pulled up, the consumed matrix should be supplemented, and then a large amount of water is used for drip irrigation. After the matrix is ??washed, it starts to plant a crop. Therefore, cow dung and fungus rods can be reused as cultivation substrates, but the steps of fermentation in the early stage cannot be used, and they can save workers in the later period.
As a cultivation substrate, cheap price is the biggest advantage, which can use waste. Of course, there are many choices of cultivation matrix. Earthworm manure, sawdust, straw, leisone, etc. In some places, cow dung and fungus sticks will be higher. According to local conditions, you must choose a cost -effective as a cultivation substrate.