Six greening management schemes for residential garden

Six greening management schemes for residential garden


Six greening management schemes for residential garden


Greening Management Plan (1):


In order to strengthen the greening management of the community and ensure that the green belt is not destroyed, the following regulations are formulated:


First, the gardeners of the management office are the direct responsible persons for the greening management of residential areas, and are responsible for cultivating, maintaining and managing the greening, and the horticulturists must do the following:


 Six greening management schemes for residential garden


  1. Familiar with the green area and layout of the residential area, the variety, quantity, name, characteristics and cultivation methods of flowers and trees, and announce their plant names, places of origin, planting seasons, growth characteristics and management methods in appropriate places, so as to facilitate residents' leisure visits and ornamentation.


  1. Regularly cultivate soil, fertilize, remove weeds and pests, prune, prune leaves, replenish seedlings, and water the flowers and trees in strict accordance with the norms, and give shape to large shrubs to enrich the greening data.


  1. Continue to clean the greening, and there is no debris, no lack of water, and no seedlings in the lawn and shrub forest, so as to promote the growth of flowers and trees.


  1. Volunteer to explain the common sense of gardening and greening to the owners, and help the owners to do a good job in family greening.


  1. Horticulturists have the right to prevent violations of the relevant greening management regulations.


Second, the owner of the residential area is the beneficiary of the greening of the community, and has the right and obligation to care for the greening, please comply with:


  1. The owner shall not trample, occupy or damage the green land without authorization, and shall not discharge sewage and sewage or throw garbage and debris into the green land;


  1. Livestock, chasing and frolicking and other behaviors that harm green space are not allowed in the green area;


  1. It is forbidden to cut down and fold flowers and trees, paint tree bark, or tie wires or nails on trees, etc., and it is forbidden to damage the protective facilities of flowers and trees, flower platforms and surrounding decorative buildings;
  2. Do not use trees to dry clothes, bedding and other things;


  1. Pedestrians and vehicles shall not cross and pass through the green belt with warning signs, and shall not damage the hedge fence;


  1. No items shall be stacked within the green area, and commercial billboards and other signboards shall not be set up on trees and in the green belt.


  1. Whoever deliberately causes damage to flowers, trees and protective facilities shall be ordered by the Management Office to make corrections and compensate for the losses. Violations of landscaping regulations who do not heed dissuasion or make it difficult, insult, or beat managers, if the circumstances are serious, are sent to the relevant departments for handling.


Greening Management Plan (2):


Specific arrangements for one-year garden maintenance:


January: The lowest temperature of the year, with open-field trees dormant.


  1. Winter pruning: comprehensively carry out the pruning operation of deciduous trees; Dead branches, broken branches, diseased branches and branches that obstruct overhead lines and buildings are pruned on large and small trees.


  1. Street tree inspection: timely check the scene of sidewalk tree lashing and piling, and rectify immediately when loosening, lead wire skining, rocking pile and other scenes are found.


  1. the control of pests: winter is a favorable season to eliminate garden pests. It can dig up pupae and cocoons of thorn moths in the loose soil under the tree and burn them to death. In mid-January, the insects start to move, but at this time they are slow to move, and we are able to scrape the larvae from the trunk. Pest control in winter often has the effect of doing more with less.


  1. space maintenance: green space, flower beds and other places should pay attention to the removal of large weeds; The lawn should be picked and edged in time; Pay attention to antifreeze watering in the green area.


February: Temperatures have risen from the previous month and trees remain dormant.

  1. Maintenance is basically the same as in January.


  1. Pruning: Continue to prune the dead and diseased branches of large and small trees. Before the end of the month, trim various trees.


  1. Pest control: Continue to prevent stinging moths and shell insects.


March: Temperatures continue to rise, and after mid-term, trees begin to sprout, and in late july some trees (such as camellia) bloom.


  1. Tree planting: Spring is a favorable time to plant trees. After the soil is thawed, it is necessary to seize the opportunity to plant trees immediately. Make a good planning and design before planting large and small trees, dig (plan) a good tree pit in advance, and do it with digging, transporting, planting, and watering. When planting shrubs, it should also be dug, transported, planted, and fully watered to improve the survival rate of seedlings.
  2. 2.spring irrigation: due to spring drought and windy, the amount of evaporation is large, in order to prevent spring drought, green space should be watered in time.


  1. Fertilization: After the soil is thawed, the plants are fertilized and irrigated.


  1. Control of pests and diseases: This month is a critical moment for the control of pests and diseases. Some seedlings have developed coal pollution disease, and melon seed boxwood curl leaf borer has also appeared (using pesticides such as spraying borer pine for control). Control of stinging moths can continue to use pupae digging methods.

April: Temperatures continue to rise, and trees sprout and blossom or begin to grow vigorously.


  1. continue to plant trees: in early April should seize the time to plant trees with late budding, and the shrubs that die in winter (rhododendrons, safflower trees, etc.) should be uprooted and replanted in time, and the newly planted trees should be fully watered.


  1. Irrigation: Continue to water the maintenance of green space in a timely manner.


  1. Fertilization: combine lawn and shrub with irrigation, apply fast-available nitrogen fertilizer, or foliar spray as needed.


  1. pruning: pruning winter, spring dry branches, can prune evergreen hedges.


  1. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: (1) After the second molt, the insects are gradually transferred to the bark cracks, tree holes, trunk bases, wall corners and other places to secrete white waxy thin cocoon pupae. It can be swept away with a hard bamboo broom and then buried or soaked in a concentrated depth. Or spray pesticides such as borer pine. (2) Tianniu has begun to move, and can use a grafting knife or a homemade steel wire to remove the larvae, but the wound should be as small as possible. (3) Prevention and control of other diseases and insect pests.


  1. Maintenance in green areas: pay attention to the removal of weeds and climbing plants in large green areas. The lawn should also be picked and edged.


  1. 7.grass and flowers: replace winter grass flowers on May Day, pay attention to watering work.


May: Temperatures rise sharply and trees grow rapidly.


  1. watering: tree leaf display peak, the water demand is very large, should be timely watering.
  2. Pruning: Pruning residual flowers. The street tree undergoes the first bud-stripping pruning.
  3. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: continue to focus on catching tianniu. The first generation of stinging moths hatched, but have not yet reached the level of harm, and corresponding measures are taken according to the actual situation in the conservation area. Coal pollution caused by aphids, aphids, etc. has also entered a peak period (in ziwei, sea tree, oleander, etc.), and in mid and late May, 1020 times of pine resin mixture and 50% trithion emulsion 15002000 times liquid are sprayed to control diseases and kill insect pests. (Other pesticides such as insecticides and flower protection can be used)


June: High temperatures


  1. 1.watering: plants need a lot of water, to water in time, can not "see the sky to eat".


  1. 2.fertilization: combined with loose soil weeding, fertilization, watering to achieve the best effect.


  1. Pruning: Continue to peel off the buds and tillers of the street trees. Prune hedges, bulbs and some flowered shrubs.


  1. 4.drainage work: when there is heavy rain weather, pay attention to the drainage work in low-lying places.
  2. 5.the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: in the middle and late June, the stinging moth enters the incubation period, and measures should be taken in time, and now the 50% borer pine emulsion 500800 times liquid spraying is basically used. (or sprayed with compound BT emulsion) to continue artificial capture of Tianniu.


  1. Do a good job in the inspection of trees in front of flood prevention and control, and straighten, strengthen and re-tie loose and inclined trees.


July: The temperature is the highest, and after mid-term there will be heavy winds and rain.


  1. 1.transplant evergreen trees: during the rainy season, sufficient water, can transplant coniferous trees and bamboo, but pay attention to weather changes, once encountered high temperature to water in time.
  2. 2.drainage: after heavy rain to drain in time.


  1. Topdressing: dry application of nitrogen fertilizer and other fast-acting fertilizers before rain.


  1. street trees: anti-Taiwan peeling pruning, pruning the branches that contradict the wires, and checking the stumps one by one, and finding loose and unstable immediately supporting and tightening. Make preparations in advance for labor organization, materials, tools and equipment, etc., and send people to inspect at any time to find dangerous situations and deal with them in a timely manner.


  1. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: continue to control the tianniu and thorn moths. The control of Tianniu can use 50% borer pine 1:50 times liquid injection, (or fruit tree treasure, or garden no. 3) and then seal the opening of the cave, but also can achieve good results. Camphor camphor nest borer should be cut off in time and destroy the nest to avoid re-harm.


Six greening management schemes for residential garden


August: Still in the rainy season


  1. drainage: after heavy rain, the low-lying water should be drained in time.


  1. Street tree defense work: Continue to do a good job in the defense of sidewalk trees.


  1. 3.pruning: In addition to the general tree summer repair, the hedge should be trimmed.
  2. 4.cultivation and weeding: weed growth is also vigorous, timely weeding, and can be combined with weeding for fertilization.


  1. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: capture the tianniu mainly, pay attention to the root of the tianniu capture. Aphid damage, camphor camphor nest borer should be prevented in time. In wet weather, we should pay attention to powdery mildew and rot disease, and take timely measures.


September: The temperature has dropped, and we will do a good job in welcoming the National Day.


  1. Pruning: To meet the National Day work, the three-level fork of the street tree is below the bud peeling. Hedge trimming. Weeding in the green area, cutting the edge of the lawn, cleaning up dead trees in time, so that the trees are green and leafy, and the green space is clean and tidy.


  1. Fertilization: For some trees with weak growth and insufficient branches, some phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied.


  1. 3.grass and flowers: to welcome the National Day, grass and flowers to replace, choose brightly colored grass and flowers varieties, pay attention to adequate watering.


  1. Prevention and control of pests and diseases: perforation disease is the peak of the incidence, and 500% carbendazim 1000 times liquid is used to prevent infection. The Celestial Bull began to turn to the root hazards, paying attention to the capture of the root Celestial Bull. Wood beetle moths on poplars and willows should also be prevented and controlled in time. Do a good job in the prevention and control of other diseases and insect pests.


  1. Do a good job in the inspection of various greening facilities before the festival.


October: The temperature drops, and in late October, early winter begins, and the trees begin to fall leaves and gradually enter a dormant period.


  1. prepared for autumn tree planting, in the second half of the hardy trees fall leaves, you can start planting.


  1. space maintenance: timely removal of dead trees, timely watering. Green areas and lawns should be done well in picking grass and cutting edges. If the grass and flowers grow poorly, they should be fertilized.


  1. Control of pests and diseases: continue to capture the root of the tianniu. Camphor camphor nest borer should also pay attention to observation and prevention.


November: The soil begins to freeze at night and enter the mid-winter season.


  1. Tree planting: continue planting hardy plants, completed before the soil freezes.


  1. Soil ploughing: Turn the soil over the green area and expose the pests ready to overwinter.


  1. 3.watering: watering the dry, compacted soil, to be done before freezing.
  2. Pest control and control of various pests in the second half of the year to prepare for the winter, the control task is relatively light.


December: Low temperatures, winter conservation work begins.


  1. Winter pruning: Prune some evergreen trees and shrubs.


  1. Eliminate overwintering diseases and insect pests.


  1. Prepare for next year's adjustment work: after the deciduous plants have fallen, observe the conservation area and draw the orientation to be adjusted.


Quality standards for garden tree maintenance:


  1. The tree body is leafy, robust and free of diseases and insect pests.


  1. the tree shape is plump, beautiful, people, animals, machinery, vehicles have very little damage to trees.


  1. Tall trees do not interfere with overhead lines, branch higher, and do not block vehicles, bump heads, and prevent drivers from seeing their sight.


  1. Often insist that the ground around the tree is loose, ventilated, and there is no accumulation of pollutants at the base of the tree.


First, the stage of maintenance and management work in one year is divided


(1) Stage division:


  1. Winter stage: December and January and February of the following year, frozen earth, tree dormancy period.


  1. Spring stage: In March and April, the earth returns to spring, various trees sprout one after another, and the leaves begin to grow.


  1. early summer stage: In May and June, the temperature rises rapidly, and many trees grow.


  1. 4.mid-summer stage: July, August, September, the climate is hot and rainy, it is the vigorous period of tree growth.


  1. Autumn stage: October and November, the temperature is low, and the trees are ready to sleep.

(2) The main projects of tree maintenance and management at all stages


January, December and February:


(1) Plastic pruning: All kinds of trees except evergreen trees and some trees that are not suitable for pruning in winter should be trimmed once during the dormancy period.


(2) Control of insect diseases: eliminate various sources of overwintering insects by digging pupae, scraping bark and other methods. There are some pesticides such as stone sulfur compounds that can be self-made in winter.


(3) Accumulation of fertilizer: the use of winter leisure period should be a lot of fertilizer.


(4) Snow: After snowfall, pile snow at the root of the tree in time to increase soil water sealing, and it is of great benefit to pile safely overwinter and grow in the following year. But care must be taken not to pile up saline snow.


(5) Maintenance patrol: Strengthen the care and protection of trees to reduce man-made damage.


(6) Maintenance machinery: during the winter period, it is necessary to take time to repair and maintain the machinery, vehicles and tools needed in the tree maintenance and management work within one year, so that it can be used in the next year.


February, March, April:


(1) Irrigation: The northern region is dry and windy in the spring, the evaporation is very large, and the germination of trees requires a lot of water, so it is necessary to irrigate a lot in time after the soil thaws to meet the needs of tree growth.


(2) Fertilization: All conditions should be in winter and spring to take turns to apply organic fertilizer to trees to improve the nutrient conditions of the soil and ensure the growth needs of trees.


(3) Pest control.


(4) Pruning: Re-pruning on the basis of winter plastic pruning, and timely peeling and tillering.


(5) Remove the cold protection.


(6) Replanting missing plants.


(7) Maintenance inspection.


March, May, June:


(1) Irrigation.


(2) Pest control.


(3) Fertilization: Topdressing nitrogen fertilizer as needed, can be root irrigation, but also can foliar spray fertilizer.


(4) Pruning: mainly to peel buds and remove tillers.


(5) Weeding.


(6) Maintenance inspection.


April, July, August, September:


(1) Pest control.


(2) Weeding in medium cultivation.


(3) Fertilization: In addition to nitrogen costs, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers as needed.


(4) Flood season drainage and flood prevention: when necessary, organize emergency rescue teams to deal with possible emergency scenarios in a timely manner.


(5) Pruning: Before the rainy season, the canopy that is too tall will be sparse and truncated in a timely manner, which can enhance the ability to resist wind and cooperate with overhead line pruning.


(6) Straightening: During the flood season, the trees that have been tilted upside down are straightened in time. Supports should be provided if necessary.


(7) Maintenance inspection.


(8) Replanting evergreen trees: Using the rainy season to replant missing evergreen trees, bamboo, etc.


May, October, November:


(1) Irrigation water: after the leaves fall, fill enough water before the soil is frozen, and seal the high weir in time after the water.


(2) Cold protection: not hardy tree species, winter need to take different measures to prevent cold, in order to ensure safe wintering.


(3) Application of bottom fertilizer: after the leaves are dropped, apply organic fertilizer as the bottom fertilizer before freezing.


(4) Pest control.


(5) Replanting of missing plants: mainly hardy tree species.


(6) Maintenance inspection.


Second, the commonly used conservation and management methods of garden trees


(1) Irrigation and drainage


All kinds of trees have different ecological habits, characteristics, to make the trees grow strong, give full play to the greening effect, it is necessary to create enough living conditions for trees to meet the needs, to meet its needs for water, neither lack of water and drought, nor can it suffer from waterlogging disasters due to excessive water.


  1. Irrigation


The water required for the growth of trees is mainly absorbed from the soil by the roots, and the water content in the soil cannot meet the absorption of the roots, or the water consumption of the aboveground part is too large, and they should try to meet their needs, which is called irrigation.


Irrigation is generally determined by the osmotic pressure within the leaves of the plant or the size of the absorbed water. When irrigating, if the water absorption ability of the leaves is very large, it proves that the water is insufficient, and the water should be sprayed in time.


Although drought-resistant shrubs are limited by equipment and manpower conditions, they must master the newly planted trees, seedlings, shrubs, and broad-leaved trees to give priority to irrigation, and long-term colonization of trees, large trees, and conifers can be irrigated later. Summer is the peak season for tree growth, and the water demand is very large, but do not water at noon when the sun is direct and the weather is hot, and the foliar irrigation is not good at noon.


Irrigation should be done in an appropriate amount, it is best to adopt the principle of less irrigation, frequent irrigation, and slow irrigation, which must be based on the needs of tree growth, reasonable irrigation according to trees, places, and time conditions, to ensure that trees have sufficient water supply at any time.


The irrigation method commonly used in the current production is after the tree is colonized, the general tree needs to be continuously irrigated for 3 to 5 years, the shrub is at least 5 years, the soil quality is not good or the tree grows poorly due to lack of water, and the drought year, the irrigation age should be extended. The minimum amount of irrigation per plant at a time --- trees shall not be less than 90 kg, and shrubs shall not be less than 60 kg.


Commonly used water sources for irrigation are tap water, well water, river water, lake water, pond water, and wastewater that has been tested and used. The main methods used are single weir irrigation, furrow irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation and so on.


Irrigation should meet the following quality requirements:


(1) The irrigation weir should be opened under the vertical line of the canopy projection, not too deep, so as not to hurt the roots;


(2) Sufficient water quantity;


(3) After water infiltration, seal the weir or cultivate in time to cut off the capillary pipe of the soil and prevent the evaporation of water.


  1. Drainage


The soil contains too much water, resulting in poor tree growth or even death. Different tree species, different ages, different growth potentials and different growth conditions, the ability of trees to resist waterlogging will be different.


Common drainage methods are:


(1) Surface runoff: the surface slope is controlled at 0.1 to 0.3%, leaving no potholes and dead ends;


(2) Open ditch drainage: suitable for rushing to drain stagnant water after heavy rain;


(3) Dark ditch drainage: underground drainage pipelines are used and connected to drainage ditches or municipal drainage, but the cost is higher.


(2) Fertilization


Fertilization can be divided into two types: base fertilizer and topdressing. Organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer is mostly selected for base fertilizer, and the methods of application include hole application, ring application and radial groove application. Topdressing generally uses chemical fertilizer or bacterial fertilizer, and the methods of application include root application and extra-root application.


Pay attention to the following when fertilizing:


(1) Organic fertilizers should be fully fermented and decomposed, and chemical fertilizers must be completely crushed into powder. After fertilization, it is necessary to irrigate in time and make the fertilizer penetrate, otherwise the concentration of soil solution is too large to the root of the tree.


2) Topdressing at the root is best sprayed in the evening.


(3) Pruning


Pruning is one of the important measures of tree care management, after pruning, can adjust and balance the tree posture, so that the tree growth is robust, the tree shape is neat, the tree posture is beautiful, and more importantly, it can improve the survival rate of newly transplanted trees.


Methods of pruning include:


  1. 1.budding: after tree transplantation, after a large intensity of pruning, trunks, branches will germinate a lot of young shoots, young shoots, affecting the growth of trees, in this regard, in the spring germination can be used to remove the remaining young buds. After winter pruning, in the spring of the following year, young shoots will germinate at the incision of the branches, and after removal, so as to avoid the main branches being weak and the branches intertwined. In short, all shoots below the fixed stem should be removed before they have been lignified, and useless buds above the fixed stem should also be removed.


  1. Pruning: Pruning refers to the stuttering of seedling branches or trunks. Pruning should be carried out according to the needs of the shape and growth and development of the seedlings. To cut off diseased insect branches, inner branches, competitive branches, overly dense branches and tiller branches, the shear must be smooth, not split, and the excessive thick branch shear must be applied.


  1. plastic surgery: for partial crown or tree shape is not neat trees, the main branch or side branch that grows too strong on one side can be removed from the big and small, or the strong leadership branch can be cut off to replace the outward side branch. If the partial crown is caused by the lack of branches on one side, it can be repaired by pulling the branches on both sides with a rope. Pines that are street trees should raise the branching point after the tree grows, and several main branches can be used in a round, one at a time, and then remove the rest after the wound has initially healed.


(4) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests


  1. The control measures for diseases and insect pests are mainly as follows:


(1) Suitable for the land and trees, and carry out the necessary quarantine of foreign saplings, and those with mild diseases and insect pests can be fumigated with hydrocyanic acid and carbon dioxide.


(2) Improve the sanitary environmental conditions of the tree, remove dead branches and leaves, prune branches and leaves, and create good growth and development conditions.


(3) Weeding and fertilization, be careful not to bring diseases and insect sources in the fertilizer.


(4) Protect beneficial insects and birds.


  1. Treatment of pests and diseases:


(1) Methods of insect treatment: there are mainly artificial trapping and trapping and spraying, and the use of drugs should be based on the type of disease and insect, living habits, and the right medicine.


(2) The method of treating the disease: first of all, we must find out the pathogen and medical history, and then use the corresponding agent. Tree diseases generally include powdery mildew, mosaic disease, canker disease, rust and so on. When spraying, a warning zone should be set up to avoid poisoning of people and animals.


(5) Low temperature hazards and cold protection


  1. Low temperature hazard sites and their causes:


(1) Root frost damage: The reason is that the root system has no natural dormancy, and the antifreeze ability is poor, especially in winter, there is less snow, and the arid sandy soil is more susceptible to frost.


(2) Root neck frost damage: the reason is that the root neck stops growing the latest, and the start of activity is earlier, and the cold resistance is poor; At the same time, the temperature near the surface changes greatly, which is easy to freeze the cortex. Commonly used to cultivate soil for cold protection.


(3) Frost damage of trunks and branches: First, the winter sunburn on the sunny side. Due to the sharp drop in temperature in early winter, the cortical tissue rapidly contracted. The essential part creates stress to prop up the bark, and the tension generated by the cell introduction icing can also cause cracks.


  1. Currently commonly used cold protection measures:


(1) Shredded water: In late autumn, when trees enter the dormant period and before the land freezes, they fill enough frozen water. The time to freeze the water is mastered after the frost falls, before the light snow.


(2) Soil cover: Before the land freezes in mid-to-late November, the shrubs with soft branches and low trees are pressed over the soil. Or cover with a layer of dried leaves and cover it with 40-50 cm of fine sand to prevent the strips.


(3) Root soil cultivation: After the frozen water is irrigated, combined with the sealing weir, the diameter of 80 to 100 cm and the height of 30 to 50 cm are cultivated at the root of the tree to prevent frostbite from the root.


(4) Wind barrier: Assume that in the direction of the upwind.


(5) Spray white: spray white with lime sulfur powder to spray white on the tree body, which can cause the harm of sudden change in alkaline temperature difference, and the sea can kill some overwintering diseases and insect pests.


(6) Spring irrigation: In early spring, when the land begins to thaw, it is timely irrigation, often insisting that the land is moist and supplying enough water to the trees.


(7) Roll dry, wrap grass: newly planted decimals and winter wet and cold places, hardy trees, can be dried with grass rope or with straw wrapped trunk and part of the branches to protect the cold.

(8) Snow: can adhere to the necessary low temperature, avoid the invasion of supercooled winds, humidify in early spring, reduce soil temperature, prevent premature bud germination, and avoid the harm of late frost.


  1. The main tree species that need to take cold protection measures in XX area:


(1) Tree species that are cold-proof in the early stage of planting: Jiangnan locust, cherry blossom, paulownia, green tree, tung, metasequoia, cedar, cypress, purple weed, magnolia, juvenile fruit trees (Apple, pear, peach), etc.


(2) Tree species that need to be protected from cold every year: monthly season, peony.



(6) Other measures for the maintenance and management of garden trees


  1. prevent wind disasters: spring windy, should take pruning, soil cultivation, support and other measures.


  1. 2.cultivation, weeding: the root of the tree weeds can be eliminated by artificial cultivation. If the barren grass is more serious, it can be eliminated by chemical removal methods, but attention should be paid to the selection of appropriate chemical agents to avoid drug damage, and it is best to spray chemical agents before the occurrence of grass shortages.


  1. 3.enclosure, isolation: for some tree species that are afraid of trampling, such as tree species with shallow roots, they should be surrounded by hedges or fences to isolate them from tourists. The hedge should be appropriately low, and the shape of the fence should be simple and simple.


  1. Supervision and inspection: In order to avoid artificial destruction, key areas should be guarded by special personnel, regular inspections, and cooperation with relevant departments to timely discover problems and deal with them in a timely manner.


Greening Management Plan (3):


Landscaping is alive, can beautify life, cultivate sentiments, and is of great significance to the realization of people-oriented and the pursuit of ecological and environmental benefits. After building green, protecting green, and raising green, we will strengthen green management and create a clean, quiet, comfortable and beautiful ecological community, which will greatly improve environmental benefits.


First, the implementation of landscaping management


The greening system of the community is composed of the "point" of courtyard greening, the "line" of road greening, and the "surface" of public green space. Greening in line with the "economic, beautiful" guiding ideology, see the seam needle, rational configuration, pay attention to the landscape, take the focus and general, concentration and dispersion, point, line, surface, belt combination of the method, with natural and mixed pattern, the use of exquisite garden art sketches and rich and diverse garden plants for multi-level three-dimensional greening, received "standing into a landscape, evergreen effect, thus constituting a beautiful and fresh, green, pleasing to the eye of the ecological environment."


The arrangement of landscaping pays attention to the collocation of levels, correctly selects the varieties of plants, configures the necessary fast-growing, disease-resistant flowers and trees, as well as pools, fountains, flower stands, rockeries, sculptures, etc., to achieve shade, dustproof, and adjust visual effects.


Second, green maintenance management


As the saying goes: "three points of trees, seven points of maintenance", which shows that daily maintenance management is very important. Greening maintenance and management work includes weeding, soil loosening, watering, shaping, pest control, etc., as well as preventing man-made destruction. While doing a good job in daily management, it is also necessary to carry out targeted and dynamic management of different varieties of flowers, plants, and trees, different habits, different seasons, and different growth periods, and the requirements for the objective conditions of survival. Make the trees grow luxuriantly without dead branches, the tree shape is beautiful and complete without tilt, the soil of the flower bed is loose and free of garbage, and the lawn is flat and clean without weeds.


(1) Tree and lawn maintenance and management indicators


  1. New seedlings: 95% of local seedlings and 85% of seedlings in other places


  1. The insect infested trees shall not exceed 2%;


  1. There is no damage to the green building sketches;


  1. No tall weeds on the lawn, no homeless and wild vines in green space;


  1. 5.the grass is clean and clean without bricks, garbage.


(2) Quality standards for tree and lawn maintenance and management


  1. 1.trees: the growth situation is basically normal; The leaf branches are basically normal.


  1. 2.lawn: the coverage rate of more than 90%; Basically weed-free; Growth and color are basically normal and do not wither yellow; Basically free of pests and diseases.


Technical measures for greening maintenance require:


  1. Trees: regular watering, fertilization, soil loosening, pruning twice, spraying 3 times a year;


  1. 2.hedges: regular watering, fertilization, pruning 3 times, spraying 3 times a year;


  1. Lawn: water, fertilize, weed, spray twice a year.


Greening Management Plan (4):


1 Irrigation and drainage


All kinds of green space should have their own complete irrigation and drainage systems. Newly planted trees should be irrigated according to different tree species and different standing conditions for appropriate periods and appropriate amounts, and the effective water in the soil should be adhered to. Trees that have been planted into living trees should also be irrigated in time in environments with long droughts or poor standing conditions and arid soils, and tree species with higher water and air temperature requirements must be irrigated in the early morning or evening, and some should also be properly sprayed foliar. The soil should be loosened before irrigation. Summer irrigation should be carried out early and late, and winter irrigation should be carried out at noon. Irrigation should be watered once, especially in spring and summer. Water around the trees should be eliminated after heavy rains, and water around newly planted trees should be eliminated as soon as possible.


2 Medium tillage weeding


Large weeds under trees and shrubs must be eradicated, and various vines that are abnormally harmful to trees, such as silkworm seeds, must be removed. The soil near the roots of the tree should be loosened, and the soil that is easy to form must be loosened once a month during the transpiration season. Weeding should be selected in sunny or sunny weather, and the soil can be divided into wet times. The depth of cultivation is limited to not affecting root growth.


3 Fertilize


Topdressing during the growth period of the tree can be carried out according to the growth potential of the plant. The amount of fertilizer should be determined according to the conditions of tree species, tree age, growth period and fertilizer source, as well as soil physicochemical traits. Generally, if the diameter of the chest is less than 15cm, 1.0kg of compost should be applied for each 3cm diameter, and the diameter of the chest should be more than 15cm, and the compost of 1.0~2.0kg should be applied per 3cm chest diameter. Trees and shrubs should first dig fertilization ring ditches, and their outer diameter should be adapted to the crown width of the trees, and the depth and width and height are 20 to 30 cm. The type of fertilizer applied should depend on the different requirements of the tree species, growth period and ornamental. In the early stage, if you want to expand the crown width, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be increased for flowering and fruit tree species. Pay attention to the application of trace elements and extra-root fertilization techniques, and gradually promote the application of compound fertilizers. All kinds of green space perennial fertilizer should be widely sourced, mainly organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer should be applied after decomposition. Fertilization should be done on sunny days; Except for the root, the fertilizer must not touch the leaves.


4 Trimming, shaping


Trees: Mainly repair long branches, diseased and insect branches, intersecting branches, merged branches, drooping branches, sprained branches, as well as dead branches and rotten heads. The main pole of the street tree is required to be 3.2m high; those who encounter overhead lines should be pruned according to the cup shape (plane wood should be pruned according to the "three main six branches and twelve forks" cup shape); The canopy is rounded and the branches are balanced; The canopy amplitude should not cover all the road surface, and there should be a gap in the middle of the road to scatter exhaust gas.


Shrubs: shrub pruning should make the branches and leaves flourish and evenly distributed; Flower and shrub pruning, to help promote the composition of short branches and flower buds, pruning should follow the principle of "first up and then down, first inside and then outside, to the weak and leave new".


Hedge type: hedge pruning, should promote its branching, adhere to the whole plant branches and leaves full; It can also be trimmed, and the special shaped hedge should be gradually trimmed into shape.


Ground cover, climbing class: ground cover, climbing plant pruning should promote the branching, accelerate the function of covering and climbing; For perennial climbing plants, it is necessary to regularly turn the vines, remove dead branches, and remove old and weak vines.


When pruning, the incision must be joint, and the shear should be tilted at 45 on the opposite side of the shear bud; The cut should be flat and should be coated with preservatives for garden use. For overly stout branches, the branching method should be adopted to prevent tearing, and safety must be ensured when operating. Pruning during the body sleep period is mainly plastic surgery, which can be slightly re-cut; Pruning during the growth period is mainly to adjust the tree potential, and it is advisable to cut lightly. Injured tree species should be pruned in summer and autumn. The pruning of fruit trees should be carried out in accordance with the technical requirements of pruning of various types of different fruit trees.


5 Protective equipment


Tall trees, unusually, should be supported by trees planted with earth balls, which is especially important in windy places. Erecting pillars ensures that newly planted trees are not damaged by strong windswept or crowded activities after being watered.


Different areas can use suitable support materials according to needs and conditions, both practical and pay attention to aesthetics. There are two methods of lashing of the pillars: direct binding and indirect reinforcement. Direct binding involves wrapping the trunk of the tree in contact with the pillar a few times with a straw rope to prevent the pillar from abrading the bark, and then erecting the pillar. And tied firmly with straw rope or hemp rope. The row of pillars is diverse, and one should be determined according to needs and topographical conditions. Generally, one can be supported in the downwind direction, and it can also be used in the form of double columns plus beam and tripod. The lower part of the pillar should be buried deep underground, and the fulcrum should be as high as possible. Indirect reinforcement mainly uses a thick rubber belt to connect the trunk with the cement pole, the cement pole should stand in the upwind direction, and pay attention to protecting the bark from abrasion. The direct binding pillars of the northern windproof can be colonized for 2 or 3 years, the roots of the trees have been firmly rooted and removed, and the cement piles against typhoons are permanent.


6 Daily maintenance system


Inspection is an effective means of inspecting and timely discovering scenarios, and during the contract period, special inspections will be organized 24 hours a day. Establish a three-level inspection system: the on-site custody department inspects twice a day, the technical person in charge inspects once a day, the project commander inspects once a week, and the on-site custody department hands over the inspection results to the project manager, and the project manager proposes rectification measures. Adopt a 24-hour non-stop inspection system, the interval between inspections before and after the same road section should not be more than 12 hours, and the rainy season and heavy rain should be listed as the time period for strengthening inspection. Arrange full-time professional and technical personnel to patrol, and the patrol vehicle is equipped with general repair, maintenance tools and construction personnel.


7 Assurance measures for the handling of emergency incidents


Equipped with the appropriate number of professional technicians, maintenance workers and equipment is always on standby. Keep an eye on climate change and prepare for sudden cold frosts, storms and other harsh weather conditions in advance. Afterwards, strengthen inspections, timely discovery of damaged seedlings, remediation, and cleaning up of the accident site. For areas damaged by unexpected emergencies, rush to the scene within 8 hours after the accident for emergency repair.


In short, landscaping work is a polite window for urban construction, but at present, there is a phenomenon of light management in the later stage of landscaping, and the importance of greening maintenance and management work is not fully understood, and the maintenance management is not in place. Therefore, doing a good job in greening maintenance has become an urgent task in landscaping work.


Greening Management Plan (5):


Garden Engineering Company carries out its work under the leadership of the Group Company.


  1. Nursery management


  1. Reasonable planning of the vegetation of the garden, reasonable arrangement of planting of seedling varieties according to the soil quality, water source conditions, market conditions, and prediction of future market demand in each nursery.


  1. Implanted seedlings, whether purchased or transplanted in the nursery, during the planting season, the survival rate of seedlings with soil balls must reach more than 95%, and the survival rate of bare root saplings must reach more than 85%.


  1. The saplings in the nursery (except for newly planted) must reach the seedlings, seedlings, seedlings, seedlings, no weeds during the period, regular pruning and spraying of pesticides, no epidemic and pests.


  1. All seedlings in each nursery should be registered and recorded in the account, and the purchase and sale should be handled in a timely manner, and the value-added part of natural growth shall be evaluated by the relevant personnel of the company once a year and recorded in the account.


  1. 5.seedling purchase, bulk purchase of saplings must strive to take bidding, for the purchase of a small number of seedlings, to shop around, to discuss the price of quality, select the best to buy, the new seedlings, there must be more than two people to accept, and signed into the warehouse.


  1. When ordering seedlings for export seedlings, the merchants should first sign a purchase contract, clarify the quantity, specifications, standards, unit price, etc. of seedlings, and collect a deposit, the amount of deposit: the transaction amount is less than 10,000 yuan, according to 50% of the transaction amount; If the transaction amount is more than 10,000 yuan, it shall be charged at 30% of the transaction amount; After loading the seedlings into the car, pay all the payment, if there is a arrears, there must be a guarantee from the company's internal personnel, the guarantor is responsible for urging the payment for the goods it guarantees, and if it is still in arrears within half a year, the guarantor will pay in advance. For the sale of seedlings to the outside world, there are more than two people to handle the warehouse, verify the correct delivery, and sign the invoice.


  1. Purchase and use of consumables (pesticides, phone bills, etc.). Fertilizers and pesticides are applied for by the group once a year by the landscaping company, recorded in the account after purchase, and approved by the main person in charge of the nursery when used, and signed by the warehouse owner and the manager.


Second, the use of tractor management regulations


  1. The driver must love the work of the position, obey the command, obey the dispatch, abide by the traffic laws and regulations and the various management systems of the post.


2, the driver out of the car should bring all the documents, to achieve safe driving, strictly prohibit the private use of the bus and drunk driving, without permission, is not allowed to hand over the vehicle to others to drive, otherwise there are problems such as vehicle damage in violation of rules and discipline traffic accidents, the parties concerned bear all the responsibilities.


  1. Before the driver leaves the car and after receiving the car, the vehicle should be inspected and maintained, and the technical state of the vehicle should be good continuously to ensure that the task can be understood at any time.


  1. 4.the maintenance of the vehicle must be in accordance with the application, signing, budget, approval, maintenance procedures, out of the car on the way to the fault, need to find the manufacturer to repair, must be reported to the competent leader telephone, waiting for approval before maintenance.


  1. Regulations on the management of landscaping projects


The landscaping engineering company undertakes the greening project (social greening project and the residential greening project built by the real estate company) and manages it in accordance with the following regulations.


  1. In accordance with the specifications and requirements, do a good job in the drawing review and technical submission work before the start of construction, prepare the construction plan according to the construction period, formulate the construction plan, and ensure safe and orderly construction.


  1. According to the order of planting, timely dispatch the entry time of green seedlings, so that they can be planted as they go, and ensure that the seedlings are not dehydrated, but at night.


  1. new greening projects, planting seedlings in the planting season, the survival rate of saplings with soil balls is not less than 95%, the survival rate of bare root saplings is not less than 5%, the survival rate of precious varieties of trees is not less than 90%, the full garden lawn is one month, the block planting and seed sowing lawn should reach 95% in three months, and there is no block vacancy of more than 0.1 square meters. When seedlings are planted against the season, the survival rate is 10 percentage points lower than that of conventionally planted seedlings.


  1. The seedlings, lawns and flowers under construction should be pruned, supported, straightened, watered, eliminated, and pest control, and other maintenance work should be carried out in time.


  1. The construction site should be clean and beautiful, no weeds, no garbage and debris, and the garden road square and garden sketches are beautiful and intact.


  1. After the completion of the project construction, it is necessary to organize internal acceptance and wait for the construction management period to expire (12 months for the external contracted project,


The group's internal real estate community project is 3 months), on the basis of the internal completion acceptance, the project completion acceptance is carried out with the relevant units.




March 4, 20XX


Greening Management Plan (6):


  1. Scope of Responsibilities


All lawns, hedges, street trees, planting trees, flower beds, ecological slope protection, etc. in the courtyard are pruned, watered, fertilized, sprayed, ploughed and some of the greening projects are constructed and maintained.


Second, work requirements


  1. Abide by the rules and regulations of the College.


  1. The daily working time is not less than 8 hours, in the summer and autumn according to the drought situation can be watered early, the green space in the area of self-responsibility is maintained according to quality standards, and the working time strictly abides by labor discipline.


  1. It is forbidden to do things during work that have nothing to do with work.


  1. During the work period, it is strictly forbidden to rest in the roadside, corner, green area.


  1. Greening workers should continuously improve the level of cultivation technology and management. To conscientiously perform our duties, we must not only be diligent in cultivating, but also do a good job in scientific management.


  1. Students and faculty members who deliberately damage flowers and trees should be stopped.


  1. Discover plant diseases and insect pests and damaged flowers and trees in the area of responsibility should be reported to the Logistics Department in a timely manner.


  1. When operating mowers and other machinery in the work, it is necessary to strictly follow the operating procedures to ensure safe production, and the personal and property losses caused by illegal operations are fully responsible for the parties.


Third, work standards and target tasks


  1. Do a good job in the maintenance of flowers and trees in the courtyard garden, so as to achieve the "four points": that is, to plant in spring, to cut in summer, to manage in autumn, to protect in winter, but also to do timely fertilization, watering, prevention of pests and diseases, timely pruning, etc.


  1. Lawn maintenance should be watered and pruned in a timely manner.


(1) Watering: the lawn grows well and normal maintenance and watering is inseparable, each watering should be watered thoroughly, see wet and dry, the surface does not accumulate water, avoid only watering topsoil, watering depth 10-20 cm. Generally water in the morning, noon, evening should not be watered. During sprinkler irrigation, it is supervised by a person to reach the ground runoff; No sprinkler irrigation facilities are connected to the hose for watering, and slow-flow irrigation is carried out. It is strictly forbidden for high-pressure water to wash away the earthen weir.


(2) Pruning: In late April, the grass is 10 cm high for pruning, and the stubble height is about 6 cm, and the grass leaves should be pulled out in time after cutting. In May, insist on 10 cm high grass, prune every 10 days or so, and leave the stubble height at 5-7 cm. From June to August, prune the grass every 10 to 15 days, leaving the stubble appropriately high, generally at 6-8 cm, to avoid rainy days. When pests and diseases occur, the lawn should be mowed to disinfect the blades of the lawn mower to prevent the spread of the disease.


  1. Clean up the weeds, debris, etc. trimmed in the area of responsibility on the same day. If you do not clean up in special situations, you must clean it up the next day.


  1. Fertilize the lawn and flower shrubs 2-3 times a year, in the spring should be fertilized according to the climate scenario, watered in time after fertilization, promote the growth of plants, in the growth period should be based on the growth of their plants to carry out a topdressing scenario, to ensure the vigorous growth of plants, in the winter in the plant dormancy period to apply organic fertilizer, to promote its root growth, in order to facilitate wintering.


Several Feng Shui Problems in Garden Planning

How could you use the ladder correctly and safely?

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