What about vegetable deficiency in gardening Farmers ignore a situation, and it is difficult to supplement fertilizer

What about vegetable deficiency in gardening Farmers ignore a situation, and it is difficult to supplement fertilizer


What about vegetable deficiency in gardening? Farmers ignore a situation, and it is difficult to supplement fertilizer


Planting melon, fruit and vegetables, many farmers have encountered vegetarian deficiency, if not solved in time, it will affect the growth of plants, and when serious, the yield and quality will be reduced. Many farmers can not find the reason for vegetable deficiency, even after replenishing fertilizer, there are still yellow leaves. Therefore, when melon and fruit vegetables appear vegetarian, we also have to analyze the reasons, and then to solve, can not blindly replenish fertilizer.


What about vegetable deficiency in gardening Farmers ignore a situation, and it is difficult to supplement fertilizer
  1. The obvious symptom of vegetable deficiency is that the leaves turn yellow, some leaves turn yellow and scorched, some veins even the whole leaves yellow, some are concentrated in the top new leaves and tender buds, some are yellow in the lower old leaves. Each element is missing, the symptoms are different, vegetables have yellow leaves, to distinguish which elements.


This lack of elements is mainly due to unreasonable fertilizer formula. For example, many farmers are used to dissolving fertilizer with water, which contains incomplete nutrients and is prone to deficiency. When vegetables appear physiological deficiency symptoms, it is necessary to replenish fertilizer in time, through root replenishment, to alleviate the symptoms of vegetarian deficiency.


  1. Vegetable deficiency symptoms, in addition to the need to supplement fertilizer, there is also a situation worthy of attention. Some farmers said that soilless cultivation of strawberries, the usual use of all-element water-soluble fertilizer, under normal circumstances will not have a lack of vegetarian, but a few appear to lack magnesium and calcium.


Therefore, the deficiency of fruits and vegetables is not necessarily a problem of fertilizer formula, but also other factors may not be conducive to root absorption. If fertilizer is replenished all the time, not only the problem can not be solved, but also can not be absorbed after fertilizer, and the salt around the root is too high, which will also bring trouble.


What about vegetable deficiency in gardening Farmers ignore a situation, and it is difficult to supplement fertilizer 

The weak root system of vegetables will lead to a decrease in the ability to absorb nutrients. For example, when encountered low or high temperature, the root system is not good, the ability to absorb fertilizer is weak, can not transport nutrients up in time, and there are symptoms of lack of nutrients. In daily management, we should do a good job of root maintenance, do a good job of scientific watering and fertilizer, reduce root injury, at the same time, the use of rooting agent and seaweed essence, is conducive to root and root. Only when the root system grows strong is the basis for high yield.


In addition, the suitable pH absorbed by roots is 5.5 ≤ 6.5. if this value is exceeded or lower, the absorption of some elements will be affected. Therefore, in the field management, you can use pH test paper to detect the matrix or soil. When you are below or above this value, adjust it appropriately. For example, vegetables lack magnesium, and pH has reached more than 6.5, you can spray fertilizer on the leaves first, at the same time, it is necessary to adjust acid to create a suitable environment for root absorption.


Vegetable deficiency yellow leaves, must see where the problem lies, in order to solve the problem simply and clearly. Only by replenishing fertilizer may not solve the yellow leaves. If there is no problem with the fertilizer formula, pay attention to whether the root system appears, the nutrients can not be absorbed.

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